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Love Your Neighbor

We are incredibly touched and humbled by the number of friends and neighbors of various faiths that showed up Friday evening to support our community and created a physical barrier of love in front of our Mosque. We are sincerely grateful for all the solidarity messages, prayers, gifts, and donations we received in person, phone, mail, email and on social media from all around the world. A special thank you to Phoenix Police for their outstanding effort in peacekeeping. We express our sympathy to our neighbors and local businesses for the inconvenience they endured. We thank our Muslim community for respecting our wish’s by not attending the protest. Together through love and peace, we can and will make a difference.

One Comment

  1. Usama Shami is a great American, and if we had people like him in office, this country would be a far better place! Peace and Blessings, Shallel

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