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Ramadan & Mercy – رمضان و الرحمة

Posted by on May 31, 2015 in News, Video | 0 comments

Ramadan & Mercy – رمضان و الرحمة

Friday Khutbah (sermon) of ِMay 29th, 2015 at Phoenix Masjid by Imam Mahmoud Sulaiman talking about mercy in the first ten days of Ramadan, translated to English Language by Dr Mounib Shaaban. Please support the Masjid by sharing this video, Dua’ & donations. رمضان – الرحمة خطبة صلاة الجمعة ل الشيخ محمود سليمان في مسجد مدينة فينيكس بتاريخ 05/29/2015 عن الرحمة في العشر الأول من رمضان. بارك الله لكم على دعمكم المتواصل للمسجد من خلال الدعاء والتبرع ومشاركة الخطب على مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي. Ramadan –...

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Love Your Neighbor

Posted by on May 30, 2015 in News | 1 comment

Love Your Neighbor

We are incredibly touched and humbled by the number of friends and neighbors of various faiths that showed up Friday evening to support our community and created a physical barrier of love in front of our Mosque. We are sincerely grateful for all the solidarity messages, prayers, gifts, and donations we received in person, phone, mail, email and on social media from all around the world. A special thank you to Phoenix Police for their outstanding effort in peacekeeping. We express our sympathy to our neighbors and local businesses for the...

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Endowment in Islam – الوقف الإسلامي

Posted by on May 29, 2015 in Friday Khutbah, News, Video | 0 comments

Endowment in Islam – الوقف الإسلامي

Friday Khutbah (sermon) of May 22nd, 2015  at Phoenix Masjid by guest Imam Ahmed Shqeirat. Please support the Masjid by sharing this video, Dua’ & donations. Endowment in Islam – الوقف الإسلامي Friday Khutbah (sermon) of May 22nd, 2015 at Phoenix Masjid by guest Imam Ahmed Shqeirat. Please support the Masjid by sharing this video, Dua’ & donations....

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Citizenship in Islam – المواطنة في الإسلام

Posted by on May 22, 2015 in Friday Khutbah, News, Video | 0 comments

Citizenship in Islam – المواطنة في الإسلام

Friday Khutbah (sermon) of ِMay 15th, 2015 at Phoenix Masjid by Imam Mahmoud Sulaiman talking about belonging to a nation in living and existence, translated to English Language by Dr Mounib Shaaban. Please support the Masjid by sharing this video, Dua’ & donations. المواطنة في الإسلام خطبة صلاة الجمعة ل الشيخ محمود سليمان في مسجد مدينة فينيكس بتاريخ 05/15/2015 عن الانتماء للدولة ارضا وواقعا. بارك الله لكم على دعمكم المتواصل للمسجد من خلال الدعاء والتبرع ومشاركة الخطب على مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي. Citizenship in...

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Islamic Manners – اخلاق الإسلام

Posted by on May 21, 2015 in Friday Khutbah, News, Video | 0 comments

Islamic Manners – اخلاق الإسلام

Friday Khutbah (sermon) of May 8th, 2015  at Phoenix Masjid by guest Imam AbdulBasir Ali. Please support the Masjid by sharing this video, Dua’ & donations. Islamic Manners – اخلاق الإسلام Friday Khutbah (sermon) of May 8th, 2015 at Phoenix Masjid by guest Imam AbdulBasir Ali talking about Islamic manners. Please support the Masjid by sharing this video, Dua’ & donations....

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Roots of Sin

Posted by on May 6, 2015 in Friday Khutbah, News, Video | 0 comments

Roots of Sin

Friday Khutbah (sermon) of May 1st, 2015  at Phoenix Masjid by guest Imam Ahmed Shqeirat. Please support the Masjid by sharing this video, Dua’ & donations. Roots of Sin Friday Khutbah (sermon) of May 1st, 2015 at Phoenix Masjid by guest Imam Ahmed Shqeirat. Please support the Masjid by sharing this video, Dua’ & donations....

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Righteousness & Life 6

Posted by on Apr 28, 2015 in Friday Khutbah, News, Video | 0 comments

Righteousness & Life 6

Watch more videos on our YouTube channel Friday Khutbah (sermon) of ِApril 24th, 2015 at Phoenix Masjid by Imam Mahmoud Sulaiman talking about adhering to righteousness and its impact on someone life, translated to English Language by Dr Mounib Shaaban. Please support the Masjid by sharing this video, Dua’ & donations. 6 الاستقامة وأثرها في الحياة خطبة صلاة الجمعة ل الشيخ محمود سليمان في مسجد مدينة فينيكس بتاريخ 04/24/2015 عن الاستقامة وأثرها في الحياة . بارك الله لكم على دعمكم المتواصل للمسجد من خلال الدعاء...

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Righteousness & Life 5

Posted by on Apr 23, 2015 in Friday Khutbah, News, Video | 0 comments

Righteousness & Life 5

Watch more videos on our YouTube channel Friday Khutbah (sermon) of ِApril 17th, 2015 at Phoenix Masjid by Imam Mahmoud Sulaiman talking about adhering to righteousness and its impact on someone life, translated to English Language by Dr Mounib Shaaban. Please support the Masjid by sharing this video, Dua’ & donations. الاستقامة وأثرها في الحياة 5 خطبة صلاة الجمعة ل الشيخ محمود سليمان في مسجد مدينة فينيكس بتاريخ 04/17/2015 عن الاستقامة وأثرها في الحياة . بارك الله لكم على دعمكم المتواصل للمسجد من خلال الدعاء...

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Hate Group Demonstrate In Front of Arizona Masjid’s

Posted by on Apr 19, 2015 in News | 17 comments

Hate Group Demonstrate In Front of Arizona Masjid’s

CAIR-Arizona brought to our attention that there have been recent Islamophobic demonstrations taking place in front of Arizona mosques in recent weeks. These demonstrations have been taking place on Fridays to harass worshipers after Jummah prayers. If you see these people, DO NOT engage with them in anyway. These people are from an organized group that travel for the sole purpose of provoking and inciting people. They also wear cameras to capture any reactions to post online. They have been known to file charges against anyone acting...

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Avoiding Suspicion 5 – Etiquette of Surat Al-Hujurat

Posted by on Mar 8, 2015 in Friday Khutbah, News, Video | 0 comments

Avoiding Suspicion 5 – Etiquette of Surat Al-Hujurat

Friday Khutbah (sermon) of march 6th, 2015 at Phoenix Masjid by Imam Mahmoud Sulaiman talking about thinking well of honest Muslim’s and non-Muslim’s which is one of the etiquette’s talked about in Surat Al-Hujurat (The Chambers), translated to English Language by Usama Shami. Please support the Masjid by sharing this video, Dua’ & donations. اجتناب الظن السيء 5 – آداب سورة الحجرات خطبة صلاة الجمعة ل الشيخ محمود سليمان في مسجد مدينة فينيكس بتاريخ 03/06/2015 عن حسن الظن باهل العدل من المسلمين وغير المسلمين....

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