Islamic School
- About
- Staff
- Admission
- School Hours
- Attendance
- Academic Policies
- Discipline Policies
- School Rule’s
- General Rule’s
- Parent Involvement
The Sunday School dedicates itself to “Quality Arabic & Religious Education in an Islamic Environment.” Our school helps shape the children’s first and lasting ideas about themselves, their religion, their country, their culture, and the world. It helps preserve their Muslim identity, gives structure, substance, and meaning to basic religious knowledge, and encourages our children’s interest in further learning.
The school’s mission & goals are crucial to the growth of Islam, especially in the development of our “Future Leaders” and continuity of our traditions. It is our goal to develop in each child a love for and understanding of God and Islam and to nurture an identity in each child as a confident and faithful American Muslim. We hope to accomplish these goals through instruction in three basic areas:
- Islamic Studies: The program emphasizes various themes each month from basic beliefs to stories of the prophets to moral values and ethics. Verses from the Qur’an are selected according to these themes for children to understand and memorize as part of our Qur’anic Studies curriculum.
- Qur’anic Studies: Chapters from the Thirtieth Part of the Qur’an are taught according to age-appropriate meaning.
- Arabic Language. Using a series of text materials in Arabic, the teacher follows a sequential program in which students develop their reading, writing and speaking ability.
The primary goal throughout the enrollment process is to provide information about the school, while learning as much as possible about the prospective student.
The primary concern of The Sunday School is always the welfare of its students and the admission applicants. The Sunday School enrolls a diverse student body, welcoming students of all races, creeds, national or ethnic origins, and socioeconomic backgrounds. Our main consideration is to ensure that any student admitted is capable of handling the curriculum successfully and happily. We look for families whose goals for their children are compatible with the school goals. We follow the “No Child Left Behind” policy for The Sunday School.
School hours are from 10:15 am to 2:15 pm every Sunday of the week, starting on September 9th. We begin the day with a five minute assembly by reciting Al-Fateha. There will be a 15-minute recess after the first two periods. Students will be given a snack and drink at this time and go down to the playground and mingle with other children. There will be one more period and Zuhr prayer before we end the school.
Regular and punctual attendance is critical to the maximum achievement of our children. In case of absence, parents should call the school office between 10:00 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. to inform the school of the absence. Upon returning to school, the next Sunday the child should bring a note signed by the parent or physician indicating the reason for absence.
- Tardiness: Parents are responsible for getting their children to school on time. When students are tardy they disturb the class and also miss the lesson.
- Dismissal: Parents must pick up their child/children from school at 2:15 pm sharp. To insure the safety of all children parents are urged to park in the front parking lot of the Masjid and pick up their children, no child will be released without the parents being present.
- Excused Absences: Excused absences are those due to illness, injury, family emergency or religious commitments. All homework may be made up for full credit. Parents should not excuse students to avoid tests or project deadlines. Such action is unfair to other students and undermines standards.
- Unexcused Absences: Unexcused absences result from truancy, unauthorized early departure for or late return from vacations, or any absence, which is not excused by the school. In such cases, teachers are under no obligation to help the student make up missed work. Make-up Work Students are responsible for getting assignments and making up missed work.
- Class Size and Groupings: The child shall be placed in a group of peers based on age, grade, or Arabic level and/or special needs as determined by the staff. Classes will be formed consisting of 7 to 12 students. Changes in class assignment may be necessary to accommodate enrollment changes after the school year begins.
- Homework Policy: Homework is an independent activity in which the child reinforces skills learned at The Sunday School. Parents may assist their children in a limited way. Parents should be prepared to sign homework papers at the teacher’s request. Parents must also follow through with homework assignments that require their direct involvement and remind students to submit the homework regularly. The students will be given Arabic books, notebook and pens. Guiding one’s children in using the time appropriately is also an important responsibility of the parent. Setting limits on watching T.V. and video games will help a child to develop responsible work habits for homework and a better attention level for school work and school activities.
- Testing: Testing will be done twice a year, half-yearly exams in January and final exams in June. Report cards will be sent on student evaluation in February and June.
Discipline is considered a direct consequence of a personal choice on the part of an individual. Students are taught that they have the ultimate responsibility for controlling behavior and they should always consider carefully the consequences before they act. Students know clearly that they will be held accountable for their actions at all times. The ability to act responsibly, independent of adult direction, is considered the greatest achievement. Courtesy, self-control, and personal development are desired goals of good discipline. In addition, good discipline will provide a classroom situation conducive to learning for all. Discipline is considered an aspect of moral guidance and not a form of punishment. A safe and orderly environment is crucial to an optimum learning situation for all the children. Our school believes in a positive discipline approach where school, playground, and classroom expectations are discussed and reviewed with the students. Our primary expectation is respect for all involved in the school programs: staff, students and parents.
The Parent’s Responsibilities
- Reviewing school rules with students to insure that everyone is familiar with the standards that are expected by the school.
- Cooperating with school staff in enforcing the school’s disciplinary measures when necessary.
- Reinforcing appropriate behavior by students in the home.
- Developing an interest in the student’s academic and other school related activities.
The Student’s Responsibilities
- Behaving in the classroom and in the school in a manner that does not disturb or interfere with the rights of others.
- Respecting the authority of teachers and other school personnel to enforce school policies and rules.
- Acting responsibly when caring for and using school property.
The Teachers’ Responsibilities
- Establishing Classroom Rules and Consequences and a classroom management atmosphere, which encourages proper behavior and gives each student the chance to learn.
- Assisting in the development and enforcement of school rules.
- Communicating with parents, and students, regarding student’s performance, recognition of progress and excellence, as well as generating possible solutions to problems.
The Administration’s Responsibilities
- Enforcing the discipline policy within the existing school policies and State and Federal laws.
- Supporting teachers by holding conferences with disruptive students and, when necessary, with their parents to obtain commitments to improve behavior.
- Advising students and parents of possible consequences for continued violation of school-wide rules and policies.
- Ensuring that the due process rights of students are observed.
Offenses & Consequences: Shool-wide rules at The Sunday School are divided into three categories. Students are disciplined in a progressive manner according to the seriousness of the offense and the number of times he/she has been referred to the office. Teachers will normally handle minor offenses and some major offenses. Major offenses may, and severe offenses will, be referred to the office. Referrals should be specific and briefly review previous actions taken.
MINOR | Violation of general school and/or class rules, Being in an unassigned area, or Tardiness. | Warning, Student conference, Behavior standards, Possible parent conference. |
MAJOR | Repeated minor offenses, Profanity or Vulgarity. | Referral to office, Apology letter, Parent conference, School suspension. |
SEVERE | Repeated Major offenses, Defiance, Fighting. Habitual profanity or vulgarity, Severe defacing or destruction of school property. | Referral to office, Restitution for damage, Parent conference, Community service, Suspension or expulsion. |
Students who follow the school-wide and classroom rules will be rewarded. Students who do not follow rules will receive the appropriate consequences as outlined above. The following serious violations will result in immediate disciplinary action and may result in community service, suspension, or expulsion.
Fighting, Failure to respect the authority of adults, Theft, Lying, Actions gravely detrimental to the spiritual welfare of other people. Open, persistent defiance of the authority, profanity and vulgarity. Continued willful disobedience.
A suspension from school for one or more Sundays, or expulsion, may be administered immediately at the discretion of the principal. During this suspension, the student should be supervised and counseled by the parents towards responsibility to improve behavior. The rules and discipline procedures at The Sunday School have been established for the protection of all students. Students are expected to respect these as the people responsible for carrying them out. Our goal is for each student to learn to be responsible for his/her own actions.
Cleanliness: A code of cleanliness is expected for all students. Hair must be properly combed or brushed. Students should bathe or shower every day. Nails should be trimmed. Clothing should be clean and free from noticeable stains. Shirts and blouses should be neatly pressed. Shoes should be cleaned and shined regularly.
Dress Code: Proper dress is the student’s responsibility when choosing appropriate clothing. The following guidelines must be followed to ensure that this privilege will continue. No short shorts (should be below the knee). No short skirts. No tight jeans or leggings. No very baggy pants. Mid-arm or long sleeved shirts only. Loose fitting clothing. If a student does not follow the dress code according to our values, he/she will be given a notice.
- Personal Items: For all students, toys, comics, make-up, jewelry, perfume and other inappropriate items are not permitted at the school. If brought to the class, the teacher will take those items from the child.
- Lost & Found: A lost and found area will be maintained in the office. The Sunday School will make every effort to safeguard personal belongings brought by the child, but will not be responsible for lost or damaged items. Expensive or irreplaceable items such as jewelry, watches or expensive toys should not be brought to school.
- Visiting: Parents are welcome to observe classes but they need to make an appointment with the principal and they must not disturb the classroom with their presence. All visitors must check in at the office before going into the classes. They will be required to wear a visitor’s badge.
- Furniture: Students are expected to keep all furniture in good condition by not writing or scratching on the surfaces. Any damage done to school property will result in monetary compensation for repairs or replacement. Disciplinary consequences may also be issued.
- First Aid: The school will give appropriate first aid to a hurt child. A parent or guardian will be contacted if the school staff feels that immediate medical attention is necessary. If The Sunday School Staff feel that the injury is of an emergency nature, paramedics will be called to the school and a parent or guardian will be contacted.
- Everyone is expected to follow directions the first time they are given.
- Keep hands, feet, and objects to ones’ self.
- Use appropriate language at all times. Teasing and name calling are inappropriate.
- Students are expected to show respect for school property. Littering and/or defacing school property is not allowed.
- Students are not to bring gum, candy, sunflower seeds, etc. to school.
- All students are to follow uniform guidelines daily. Extreme hairstyles, excessive Jewelry and wearing of make-up are not allowed.
Parents are the most important people in a child’s life. Their love, affection, support and approval are a fundamental need of all children. Because parents are #1 in importance, they are also #1 in the ability to influence and motivate their children. Research shows that programs designed with strong parent involvement components produced students who performed better. We encourage our parents to participate in our school events, and be part of our school community. Parents are also expected to attend the Friday Halaqa at ICCP.
- Parent Communication: The Sunday School recognizes how important it is for parents to know about what is happening at school with their children. Open communication is the foundation of a harmonious school. Please make use of our willingness to listen by communicating your needs and concerns as they arise. To be able to have a productive meeting, please make an appointment.
- Parent Concerns: We care about your concerns for your children. We have found that when such concerns arise, a scheduled conference time works best for sharing between parent and teacher. If you desire a conference, please schedule one with your child’s teacher. Additionally, you may request principal’s presence. Or, if the need arises, you may schedule a conference with the principal alone. We are here to meet your needs concerning you and your children. Please don’t hesitate to make use of our service.
- Child Assessments/Parent-Teacher Conferences: Teachers assess children on a regular basis. Our assessment forms are non-judgmental but still give the teacher and parent many areas to discuss as well as specific behaviors to be aware of. Conferences give you and your child’s teacher the opportunity to discuss your child’s development, progress, personality, or problems.